Currently 17 songs posted... (see sidebar index)

Your Own Rainbow

The über-talented Andnowthemoon wrote and recorded this beautiful song for me, inspired by Your True Colors, which seriously brought tears to my eyes. When I asked her what earned me the honor, she said this:
"I don’t really know why I wrote it either, other than YTC is such a captivating story and you’re a songwriter too, and I felt inspired…"
Well, who am I to question that reason, and wow... I'm still blown away! Such a sweet song, with the lyrics right on the nail, and she sings it beautifully. I just HAD to make a little video for it. THANK YOU SO MUCH, ANDNOWTHEMOON!

(Music & Lyrics: Andnowthemoon. Performed by Andnowthemoon.)

(animation/video made by Betti Gefecht)

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